
1.     Find Three Largest Numbers from an Unsorted Array ,using single for loop,without sorting.? i/p: Array [10,18,73,2,84,9,20,66,22] o/p:first:84, second:73, third:66 Answer

2.     Reverse the String by word i/p: "Hello Java Programming"O/p:"olleH avaJ gnimmargorP".  Answer

3.     Change the given as UpperCase to LowerCase& LowerCase to UpperCase i/p: "LaXmAn" o/p:"lAxMaN" Answer

4.     Count the no.of character repetations in Given String i/p:"APPLE" o/p:A-1 P-2 L-1 E-1. Answer

5.     Devide two Numbers without Using *,/,% operators print quotient,Reminder  Answer

6.     swap two numbers without using third variable and any arithmatic operators. Answer

7.     print the non-repeated elements from a Random Array i/p:{10,20,4,5,6,10,5} o/p:{20,4,6} Answer

8.     Factorial of given number Answer

9.     find the prime Numbers between the given Range Answer

10. Find whether given number is Palindrome or not.Answer

11. Find whether Given Sting is palindrome or not Answer

12. Print the Fibonacci Series using Recursion. Answer

13. Find whether given number is Armstrong Number or not?

14. Write a java Program to Add Two Matrices? Answer

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